Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My life is usually a long series of little projects I'm currently working on. Some have a clear target, some last forever, most never get past the "Whoa, that would be awesome!" phase.

This is of course besides (and sometimes in harmony with) the stuff I do to work and live.

So, just to clear my head a little, here's a little list of stuff I'm currently working on (Roughly from highest to lowest priority):

  • Run the Marathon of Rotterdam - Fairly on schedule with my training schedule
  • Get better at programming - Reading books, focusing on TDD, SCJD @ work
  • Lose weight - Not going so well, even though I do feel like I'm losing fat with all the running
  • Get my driver's licence -  Got theory, exam is planned for the 9th of March
  • Write more music - Not going nearly is good as I want.
  • Make more music - Practice for my bands, practice piano, flute etc. etc.
  • Write more - This is a bit of a result of that, also stuff at work.
  • Watch the top 250 movies - Not in a rush, seen a few.
  • Get better at SCII - Not going so well, still, lots of fun.
If I take a look at this list then I have admit that it's actually not really a list of projects. It's more like a list of good intentions. And as we all know, good intentions serve primarily as awesome pavement in certain coolly challenged mythological places. Taking another look I realise the only things significantly moving forward are those with a clear goal (i.e. the marathon and driver's licence). Ergo, to get other stuff moving forward I need more specific projects. Less things to do at the same time would probably also help, but that rarely happens with me.

OK, so for Write more music: I'm going to jump into FAWM. I don't believe I'll have the time to still write 14 songs (though that will of course be a secondary goal) but I do want to write at least 10 more songs during February.

And for write more... Hmm, I've been wanting to delve deeper into classical music for quite some time now, so I was considering doing a bunch of reviews of interesting classical pieces, but I now realise that would probably strain my time even further, while I might as well write about the FAWM thing. OK, so, at least 10 more songs in february and the results will be documented here.

Yay, clear goal!

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